Nespresso Archives - Hands-on tech & gadget reviews Thu, 14 Mar 2024 19:02:49 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nespresso Archives - 32 32 How to Choose: Nespresso Original versus Nespresso Vertuo Sun, 22 Oct 2023 00:15:28 +0000 Trying to choose between the two different types of machine Nespresso offers? Here's what you need to know - and how to pick.

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Whats the difference between Nespresso original and VertuoIf you are considering a more convenient coffee solution, you’re likely looking into Nespresso machines. These machines use special coffee pods to create a variety of espresso-based drinks and some will also make regular coffee. But what is the difference between these two systems and which one is ultimately better? I went hands-on to compare to try them out side by side to see.

Nespresso Original versus Nespresso Virtuo: How To Choose, what’s the difference?

Specifically, I’m reviewing  Nespresso original versus virtuo here in this video, but I’ve reviewed many more models. Both machines make espresso, the Vertuo line is also designed to brew regular coffees to – all in the same machine.

Nespresso launched the VertuoLine in about 2014 as a way to lure North American coffee drinkers, who are less about espressos than they are about full size coffees.
nespresso vertuo next, Original, whats the difference, whyhi

Coffee pods and capsules: what’s the difference?

First, let’s look at the difference between Verturo and original Nespresso pods. The original Nespresso pods are small and narrow and come in one size only (since they’re really meant for espresso), while the Nespresso Vertuo pods are wide and round and may differ in height depending on what’s inside. With an original pod you can make espresso, double espresso or add water for an Americano. Vertuo coffee pods have special barcodes on the pod that carry specific instructions for how each coffee is to be extracted. The Virtuo lineup offers drinks in five sizes, from a single espresso, to double espresso, a 5 ounce gran luongo/Americano (150ml), a 230ml/8 oz ‘mug’ coffee to a 14 oz Alto coffee.

Milk or no milk?

Let’s move on to another differentiator: milk or no milk?

One of the key differences between Nespresso Virtuo vs original set ups is that none of the Vertuo models come with built-in milk frothers, while Nespresso Original does offer machines that will handle the milk, like the automatic Lattissima here.
But you can bundle a Vertuo with Nespresso’s popular Aeroccino frother —often at a discounted price.When it comes to Choice and availability, The Nespresso Original machine has a far bigger selection of capsules. And because the patent on the capsules has expired, you can get them everywhere – and even fill reusable ones with your own coffee.
nespresso vertuo next, Original, whats the difference, whyhiVertuo capsules by contrast are available only from Nespresso because they need a proprietary barcode to be recognized by the Vertuo machine.

Nespresso Vertuo vs Original: Drink options and sizes

Time to talk drink sizing…Nespresso VertuoLine capsules come in three different sizes, so larger drinks can be as strong as smaller ones. In total those three sizes will make 5 different coffee drinks. Nespresso Original Pods only come in one size and are meant to make espresso, double espresso or a luongo.
Now, you can make a bigger coffee with an original pod by adding more water, but it is obviously more diluted… something you don’t get with the Vertuo.
With that said, both the Nespresso and Virtuo machines let you permanently alter the drink size to your tastes – yes even the Nespresso Vertuo capsules with the special barcode can be easily reprogrammed to make the drink you want. I’ve got videos here on the channel that show you how to do that on both types of machines.
I have a how to video that can show you how to do this, right here on the blog.

Nespresso Original Machine vs Vertuo: Coffee quality

Crema is a hot word in coffee circles… Both Original and Vertuo machines and their coffee pods give you a beautiful crema on top of the coffee which a lot of folks really love.
Some say the Vertuo Nespresso capsules produce a thicker layer of crema, and I guess that’s true, but it begins to dissipate almost immediately since it’s mainly a product of all the air in the spinning process. For me, I’d rather a better coffee than taller coffee foam, so I’m not as wowed by that, personally.

I’ve tried dozens of coffee pods from both lineups and I can say there’s lots to choose from and you’ll be able to find something you really like. I find the coffee fresh, delicious, hot and tasty.
nespresso vertuo next, Original, whats the difference, whyhi

Which machine is stronger: Nespresso Vertuo or Original

Brewing pressure is another hot topic, since that helps make a creamier drink.
Despite the seeming higher end feel and more tech smarts of the Vertuo experience, the Vertuo machines use exactly the same amount pressure to extract coffees as the Original line does; you can generally expect 19 bars from both sets of machines.
When it comes to Brew time… Perhaps not surprising but the Original lineup tends to produce faster results. This is likely because original line drinks are smaller.

Coffee Temperature

Coffee should be hot, right? Not so fast. We tend to brew our coffee with boiling water since the temperature can help extract flavours and oils a little easier, but very hot water can make coffee bitter.
You’re probably familiar with cold brew coffee, which essentially replaces heat with time: letting ground coffee sit in cold water for up to 24 hours to extract the same flavors—without the bitterness and acrid taste. For that reason, the Vertuo line uses a slightly lower temperature when making coffee; and here all those rotations help saturate the grounds faster, so not as much heat is needed.
Now for some people this is a problem; coffee that comes out of the machine at any temperature other than volcanic may not be as enjoyable. I guess your temperature and taste preferences are probably very individual. So whether a slightly cooler but more flavourful and less bitter brew will be enjoyable for you is definitely a matter of taste.
For me, I found there were still some Vertuo coffee roasts that did taste bitter, and at the same time I didn’t really notice a huge difference in temperature.

Nespresso Original versus Nespresso Vertuo: which is better?

So…Which to choose? The Original or the slightly more advanced Vertuo line?
Now you know how the key features of Original and Vertuo stack up against each other. In my opinion you should buy a Nespresso Original machine if you want it for espresso or espresso-based drinks. You’ll pay less for the machine and the Nespresso capsules, and you’ll have way more espresso pod choices.
Buy a Nespresso Vertuo machine if you’re more of a coffee drinker and you want the option of making espresso and coffee from the same machine. With the barcoded capsule brewing system, the VertuoLine makes brewing any style and size of drink foolproof, but it is adjustable.

For me, since I want it mainly for espresso, I’m going to stick with my Nespresso Original machine, but I think both of these systems have their benefits. The choice is up to you.

I’d love to hear which line you chose and why, so share your story in comments below.

Nespresso Original and Vertuo are both available from Amazon and Walmart.

Also Read: 

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Breville Nespresso Inissia espresso maker review Sat, 23 Sep 2023 15:48:31 +0000 Breville has put out a Nespresso machine for those hooked on the convenience of coffee pods. Does convenience mean quality? Read our review.

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Nespresso inissia review

Each day starts with a double espresso for me and while I used to use a fancy, expensive machine, I’ve gotten to realize the efficiency of coffee pods. Now I’m a Nespresso convert. I wanted to try one of Nespresso’s newer machines that is extremely popular. So in this review of the Breville Nespresso Inissia, I’ll show you how it works, what the coffee is like, as well as the pros and one big con you’ll want to be aware of after having it in my home for two weeks.

Nespresso Inissia


It’s small but it isn’t the smallest espresso brewer Nespresso makes. Here the bigger footprint allows for additional pods in the disposal bin and a bit more water in the tank.

This model has an industrial chic look that gives it a little more style than some other Nespresso machines. The coffee it makes is delicious, hot, thick, and with a beautiful crema, and I like that I can customize the sizes so it’s perfect for my morning routine. The water tank is plenty big enough so that I don’t feel like I’m refilling it constantly. For those who want a bigger water tank, there are larger machines out there, and they come with more features and a higher price too.

If there are any cons to this machine, for some it might be that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but for me this was not an issue. My biggest gripe was the loud and buzzing noise during the breathing process. If you also think that something that would annoy you, I can absolutely recommend my Nespresso Essenza mini as a quieter alternative.

The other potential downsides to this machine include the inept cup riser, and the potential for leaks.


  • Small footprint
  • Industrial chic style
  • High-quality espresso with crema
  • Customizable sizing
  • Reasonably large water tank



  • Water temperature not adjustable
  • Noisy
  • Cup riser a potential source of leaks

Breville Nespresso Inissia review

Nespresso inissia review

Some out there may be wondering, is a Nespresso Innisia espresso machine worth it? I was not into Nespresso at first, but a couple things changed my mind: after staying with friends who both have Nespresso machines I discovered I like the coffee and it’s a very quick and easy way to get espresso.

I chose the Breville Nespresso Inissia espresso maker because it’s relatively small while still being kind of stylish. It measures about 5 inches wide by about 12 inches long, and 9 inches tall, and it offers two sizes of coffee with two preset buttons. I don’t add milk to my coffee so all I wanted was something for straight-up espressos.

Watch my video review of Nespresso Inissia

Set up: Breville Nespresso Inissia

Let’s start Nespresso Innisia review with its setup. There’s really no set up required for this machine. Just plug it in and push one of the buttons to power it on. It’s ready to go immediately. The kit I bought also included a sample pack of Nespresso capsules, which was a nice way to try some different coffees.

When it comes to the power, Nespresso machine inissia gives you 19 bars of pressure from its pump and has a 27 ounce water tank. It’s super small and weighs almost nothing (about 5 pounds).

The first time I ran the machine Nespresso recommends you run a cycle of water through it first before you brew coffee. Almost immediately the water tank leaked water all over the counter. Thinking I had just set it up incorrectly I took it apart and put it back together again, but same problem. For some reason the machine was oddly leaky. Now, once I got the brewing process underway and started using it regularly the leaks seem to have abated. But it doesn’t give me a whole lot of confidence to see that in the beginning so it’s something I will have to keep an eye on. I later went to the Nespresso website and saw that many customers are complaining that this device is leaky, so, be warned.


Breville Nespresso Inissia: Adjustable drink sizes

Though I didn’t realize it at the time, and the instructions don’t say so, you can actually program the exact size of drinks you want your Breville Nespresso Inissia espresso maker to make, for both the small size and the large.

It comes out of the box programmed for a small double shot from the small button, and what seems like a quad for the large.

By pushing and holding the button while it;’s making an espresso, then letting go when you’ve got your desired amount, you are creating a new saved setting. Next time you just touch the button your custom drink volume has been saved. I set mine so that the small button pours a single and the large an oversized double. If you want a little more detail on how to do this or to share these instructions with someone else, check out my video how to adjust Nespresso drink sizes easily.

Nespresso coffee & pods

We could spend some time here on the environmental impact of coffee pods. For the most part, neither aluminum Nespresso pods, nor plastic Keurig K-cups are recyclable in a lot of city’s recycling programs; they’re just too small. But I am really happy to say Nespresso inissia espresso machine encourages you to recycle the aluminum pods by including a pre-paid return bag with your order.

When it comes to the coffees and their taste, there’s lots to enjoy. I find the coffees, packaged in their little pods to be really fresh tasting, and with the stunning number of different roasts, tastes, flavours and options, you’re bound to find lots you’ll like.

Nespresso Pod cost

Let’s talk about what it costs to brew your morning espresso. Nespresso pods can be had on the Nespresso website for about 80 cents to $1.25 per pod. Compared to the cost of a coffee shop espresso, that’s a bargain. I have also, by the way seen reusable Nespresso capsules so you can use your own coffee too. Either way, I’m perfectly happy paying about a buck for my morning espresso.

Coffee brew quality: Breville Nespresso Inissia

Nespresso inissia review

Brewing a coffee is as simple as turning it on and waiting for it to heat up, which takes less than 20 seconds- about 10 seconds faster than my Delonghi. I’m impressed with how fast this is. Then you pop in a capsule, pull down the arm to lock the machine, and choose your size. My drink brewed in about 10 seconds.

One thing I like about the Nespresso machine Inissia and really all Nespresso machines is that the espresso comes out nice and thick, it’s not watery. It ends up with a nice crema on top, and it’s actually really hot, definitely hot enough for me. You can argue that crema has nothing to do with quality… But it is a nice touch that makes the espresso look appealing.

No adjustable temperature

This machine, like other Nespresso machines, doesn’t have an adjustable brewing temperature (it comes from the factory set to about 83-86 degrees, says Nespresso). Nespresso intends this to be at a hot but drinkable temperature so you can sip the espresso right away, and says if it’s not hot enough, to pre-heat your cup.

Some folks might not appreciate that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but I was definitely fine with the factory setting.

The Breville Nespresso Inissia has some handy features; the energy saver feature shuts it off in a few minutes if it’s not used again, the water tank holds more than enough water for 13 doubles before it needs to be refilled.

There’s a flip-out cup riser which actually works well for smaller espresso cups, but it’s extremely poorly designed for larger cups, with the rim of the cup being really close to the spout. Because the cup riser only flips up and it’s not removable, it actually gets in the way of getting a larger coffee mug into the proper position. I think this is a very poor design and hopefully will be reworked in future configurations.

There’s a small pod bin that holds about 10 discarded pods. All the pieces can go in the dishwasher.

Breville Nespresso Inissia; not as quiet as other machines

The Delonghi Nespresso machine I currently have is a pretty quiet brewer, but this Breville Nespresso Inisia does make a noticeable and fairly loud buzzing noise. The noise stays on through the entire brewing cycle and is rather annoying. In comparison to my DeLonghi Essenza mini, it sounds like a freight train rolling through the kitchen. While I am exaggerating, it is a significant flaw in this machine as far as I am concerned.

Ending the Breville Nespresso Inissia Review

Overall this machine is a stylish and capable Nespresso machine that does the job admirably.

It’s small but it isn’t the smallest espresso brewer Nespresso makes. Here the bigger footprint allows for additional pods in the disposal bin and a bit more water in the tank.

This model has an industrial chic look that gives it a little more style than some other Nespresso machines. The coffee it makes is delicious, hot, thick, and with a beautiful crema, and I like that I can customize the sizes so it’s perfect for my morning routine. The water tank is plenty big enough so that I don’t feel like I’m refilling it constantly. For those who want a bigger water tank, there are larger machines out there, and they come with more features and a higher price too.

If there are any cons to this machine, for some it might be that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but for me this was not an issue. My biggest gripe was the loud and buzzing noise during the breathing process. If you also think that something that would annoy you, I can absolutely recommend my Nespresso Essenza mini as a quieter alternative.

The other potential downsides to this machine include the inept cup riser, and the potential for leaks.

While I had a fine experience with it, you’ll want to weigh these cons carefully. The Breville Nespresso Inissia sells for about $209 CAD though I have seen it on sale for about $139 CAD.

You can watch my full review of the Essenza mini which is my #1 pick for a great all-around Nespresso machine, or check out what a more full-featured Nespresso machine has to offer right now.

**A note about Affiliate Links: TechGadgetsCanada & TechGadgetsInternational is supported by our readers. Occasionally I will include affiliate links in my reviews. I do this partly for convenience of the reader (since I’ll almost always include a link to the company website or similar anyway) in case you want to read more or purchase, but I also may get a small commission from the click, which helps me keep the blog running. If you choose to use this link I thank you greatly for supporting the blog. There’s no obligation or cost to you for using these links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Nespresso Vertuo Next by Delonghi: review Sun, 19 Sep 2021 12:15:17 +0000 Nespresso markets the Vertuo machines as special - but what's so great and is it worth the extra cost? My hands on review:

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nespresso vertuo next, review, delonghiIf you’re a coffee lover, at some point you’ve probably thought about a Nespresso; after all the variarty and convenience is a key selling feature. I’ve been reviewing Nespresso machines recently and finally had the chance to try out the Nespress Virtuo line. IN this review I’m going to check out the Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi. I’ll tell you how the machine works, what makes it special and how it’s different from a typical Nespresso machine, as well as what I think of the coffee.

Review: Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi

The Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi is a slim machine taking up a relatively small footprint. This espresso machine uses Nespresso’s Vertuo capsuels which are a bit different than the standard Nespresso capsules. These are bigger, and wider and come in different heights, according to what type of coffee they’re making.

This machine has a 1 litre water tank and a discard bin that holds up to 10 used pods.

Nespresso, vertuo, virtuo, next, espresso, coffee, machine, reviewNespresso Vertuo – what’s so special?

It’s probably a good idea here to divert for a sec and talk about the difference in coffee pods and machines.

Nespresso launched the VertuoLine in about 2014 as a way to lure North American coffee drinkers, who are less about espressos than they are about full size coffees.  The original pods are small and narrow and come in one size only, while the Vertuo pods are wide and round and may differ in height depending on what’s inside.

Vertuo coffee pods have special barcodes on the pod that carry specific instructions for how each coffee is to be extracted. The Virtuo lineup offers drinks in five sizes, from a single espresso, to double espresso, a 5 ounce gran luongo/Americano (150ml), a 230ml/8 oz ‘mug’ coffee to a 14 oz Alto coffee.
Worth pointing out here is that you’re not supposed to adjust the drink for yourself; the barcode and size of pod determine the final beverage. But of course I found a way to change the sizes if you want. We’ll get to that too…

By the way, if you want to learn more about some of the differences in the Nespresso Original line and the Vertuo line I’ve got a more detailed comparison on the blog.

Nespresso, vertuo, virtuo, next, espresso, coffee, machine, reviewNespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi: centrifugal force extraction

Let’s get back to our Vertuo machine: A key differentiator with the Vertuo line is that the machines use centrifugal force to extract the coffee. The machine will punch out a lot more holes in the capsule too. It spins the coffee pods with water at about 7,000 rpms (I think that’s supposed to be impressive). From what I understand, this force gets the grounds more saturated faster, resulting in a more fully brewed coffee in less time.

You can hear the motor at work, spinning up your coffee. So on that note, let’s look at how one is made in the Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi.

How to use Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi

This machine is really easy to operate since it really just has one button.

Open the machine lid by unlocking the lever. Choose your pod, and remember, the pod dictates the coffee, so use the adjustable tray and the right size cup.
Pop it in dome side down and close the lid, then lock the lever in place. The small light will flash and when it stops, the machine is ready to go.

Pushing the button initiates the brewing sequence. You’ll hear a bunch of noise and spinning, but the machine isn’t loud in my opinion. The full brew sequence lasts about a minute for an espresso to nearly 2 minutes for a fuller size coffee.

After it’s brewed, the pod will stay in place until you open the top, then it’s automatically lifted out and flipped to the discard bin.

Nespresso, vertuo, virtuo, next, espresso, coffee, machine, reviewCoffee Temperature: Nespresso Vertuo

Coffee should be hot, right? Not so fast. We tend to brew our coffee with boiling water since the temperature can help extract flavours and oils a little easier, but very hot water can make coffee bitter. You’re probably familiar with colf bre coffee, which essentially replaces heat with time: letting ground coffee sit in cold water for up to 24 hours to extract the same flavors—without the bitterness and acrid taste. For that reason, the Vertuo line uses a slightly lower temperature when making coffee; and here all those rotations help saturate the grounds faster, so not as much heat is needed.

Now for some people this is a problem; coffee that comes out of the machine at any temperature other than volcanic may not be as enjoyable. I guess your temperature and taste preferences are probably very individual. So whether a slightly cooler but more flavourful and less bitter brew will be enjoyable for you is definitely a matter of taste.

For me, I found there were still some Vertuo coffee roasts that did taste bitter, and at the same time I didn’t really notice a huge difference in temperature.

Web & app connection, kinda

The Vertuo line seems to pride itself on being more tech savvy; the barcode system and all. It also lets you connect your machine to the Nespresso App. Why though seems to be a bit of a mystery. Don’t seem to be any additional features available for the machine. At most it seems to be a slightly more convenient place to order capsules from. In my opinion it would be pretty cool if you could somehow interact with your machine to adjust drink sizes inside the app and have them spit out of the machine. But that’s not what this technology appears to be about, so I’ll put that on my wish list for the future and leave it at this: well this machine may appear to have some smarts, it doesn’t.

Nespresso, vertuo, virtuo, next, espresso, coffee, machine, reviewCost of Nespresso pods

The price of these pods does vary a little more than the original; not surprising since you might be getting different sizes of beverage from them. For the most part you can expect to pay about 80 cents to $1.20 for espressos and up to about $1.50CAD for bigger coffees.

Overall review: Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi

Overall this machine is a great coffee machine; it’s easy to use with the one-button operation and with the barcode system it’s foolproof. Even so you can make adjustments to the presets. The machine is quiet and has a relatively small footprint.
Being able to brew both coffee and espresso in this machine makes it versatile, so you don’t need space for multiple machines.

Downsides? It’s kind of hard to see any. I suppose you could say that it takes a bit longer to make your morning coffee, but it’s hard to crack on that since it’s taking longer to brew a larger cup. Some folks have complained that the coffee is just not as hot as the espressos the original machines put out, but I didn’t notice a discernible or unpleasant difference.

In short, if you’re looking for a compact do it all machine with great coffee options I think you’ll be very pleased with the Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi.
The Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi sells for about $219CAD but the prices can vary quite a bit depending on the colour you’re looking at.

*A note about Affiliate Links: Occasionally I will include affiliate links in my reviews. I do this partly for convenience of the reader (since I’ll almost always include a link to the company website or similar anyway) in case you want to read more or purchase but I also may get a small commission from the click, which helps me keep the blog running. If you choose to use this link I thank you greatly for supporting the blog. There’s no obligation or cost to you for using this link.


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Review: Nespresso Lattissima One: automatic espresso, cappuccino & latte machine Sat, 18 Sep 2021 10:45:09 +0000 Nespresso Lattissima One promises espresso, cappuccino, latte and more. While this machine has some pluses, it has one very major flaw.

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Nespresso lattissima one, delonghi, review, milkI’m a coffee nut and a wee bit of a coffee snob. I start the day with a double espresso. Then there’s often another one mid-morning or a decaf espresso late in the day or after supper. I’ve recently been experimenting with Nespresso pods and have been trying different Nespresso machines to see what each one offers. Today I’m looking at the Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One.

Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One review

This machine differs from some other Nespresso machines out there in that this one will also steam milk automatically and means you can make lattes, cappuccino, or espresso macchiato. It uses the Nespresso Original pods in the machine.

I got to spend a couple of weeks with the Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One; I’ll tell you about my experience with it, what it can do, how it works and the pros and cons after having it in my home for a week.



It’s small for a coffee and milk-capable device, I really like the white color option and the modern, sleek design which helps it blend into my kitchen better. The espresso it makes is delicious, hot, thick and with a beautiful crema, and I love that I can customize the sizes so it’s perfect for me.

If there are any downsizes to this machine, for some it might be that you can’t adjust the water temperature. For me the biggest downside is the lackluster milk heating and foaming. If you drink cappuccino you aren’t getting them from this machine – there is really no foam to speak of. You’re really just getting different amounts of warm milk.


  • Coffee and milk-capable device
  • Pretty quiet brewer
  • Customizable sizes
  • Easy setup


  • No water temperatures adjustment
  • Lackluster milk heating and foaming

Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One: what do you get?

Let’s take a quick tour of the machine; there’s a big 1L or 34 oz, low profile water tank in the back. Around front there’s a moveable riser and drip tray, pod receptacle in behind. The milk cup is removable. Out of the box, this machine will brew a 1.3 ounce single shot or a nearly 4 ounce luongo.

You can adjust the default sizes of your shots if you want to. Check out how to adjust Nespresso drink sizes in this blog.

How to set up Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One

The set up of this machine is virtually non-existent; plug it in and power on. It’s ready to go immediately. The kit I bought also included a sample pack of Nespresso capsules, which was a nice way to try some different coffees.

Nespresso lattissima one, delonghi, review, milkHow much pressure does Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One use?

When it comes to the specs, this machine gives you 19 bars of pressure from its high pressure pump

Brewing espresso drinks with Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One

Brewing an espresso is as simple as turning the machine on and waiting for it to heat up, which takes less than 20 seconds. I’m impressed with how fast this is. If you’re heating up milk for your morning up, that takes about another 15 seconds… and we’ll get to the milk-based drinks in just a sec…

Then you pop in a capsule, close the lid and choosing your size.

My single shot brews in about 15 seconds and the double in about 25.

Nespresso lattissima one, delonghi, review, milkOne of the things I like about the Nespresso machines is that the espresso comes out nice and thick, it’s not watery. It ends up with a nice crema on top, and it’s actually good and hot, definitely hot enough for me.

Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One: milk drinks

Let’s move on to the milk drinks

As I noted up front, this machine will make only three milk based drinks: lattes, cappuccino, or espresso macchiato. It also won’t work with alt milks and is only designed to work with cow’s milk.

The milk container is labelled and will show you how much milk to add for each drink; you have to add the right amount manually and it will use all the milk in the jug so it’s up to you to measure correctly.

Easy to use… but foam & heat lacking in quality

The operation of the machine when adding milk to drinks is basically foolproof. When you add milk, it will heat the milk first, add it to your cup, then pour the espresso.

Nespresso lattissima one, delonghi, review, milkWhen it comes to the heat level and the foam, I was not impressed at all. The milk is basically warm, certainly not hot, and there’s not really any foam to speak of. While this machine will warm and dispense milk that’s basically it. In my opinion the milk features of this machine aren’t worth it. You’d be better off with a straight up Nespresso espresso maker and a different milk solution.

I took the temperature of the milk right out of the spout and it topped out at about 125 F. Most baristas would tell you the ideal milk temperature is between 155 and 165F.

There is an Automatic milk cleanup feature but this too is lacking… the machine will rinse the milk jug for you with hot water if you press the milk button after it’s done with the drink and you’ve ejected the used capsule. But the water gets everywhere… spilling out over the drip tray.

You’ll also need to finish cleanup of the jug either by hand or by putting the pieces in the dishwasher.

From what I can tell about this machine and other Nespresso machines, you can;t adjust the brew temperature (it comes from the factory set to about 83-86 degrees, according to Nespresso). Nespresso says it’s supposed to be at a hot but drinkable temperature so you can have the espresso right away, and recommends if it’s not hot enough, to pre-heat your cup.

Some folks might not appreciate that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but I was definitely okay with the factory setting.

Nespresso lattissima one, delonghi, review, milkNespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One: Additional features

Other features worth making note of… there’s automatic shut off to save energy, and the water tank holds more than enough water for 17 doubles before it needs to be refilled (34 oz), you can use the cup riser or remove it to brew a bigger cup, and the pod bin holds about 10 discarded pods. All the pieces are washable.

Is Nespresso Lattissima One noisy?

The Delonghi Nespresso machine is a pretty quiet brewer, and you could easily make your morning coffee without waking anyone.

What to know about Nespresso pods: environmental impact and cost

I’ve talked in other reviews about the environmental impact of coffee pods so I’ll just recap quickly here. Nespresso has a pod recycling program and even pays the shipping. Pods cost about 70 cents to a dollar per pod which I find reasonable given coffee shop prices.

When it comes to the coffees and their taste, there’s lots to enjoy. I find the coffees, packaged in their little cups to be fresh, and with the huge number of different roasts, tastes, flavours and options, you’re certain to find some you love. Bottom line here, the coffee is good.

Nespresso lattissima one, delonghi, review, milkOverall review: Nespresso by De’Longhi Lattissima One

Overall there’s some things I like about this machine and some major downsides.

It’s small for a coffee and milk-capable device, I really like the white colour option and the modern, sleek design which helps it blend into my kitchen better. I also love the huge one litre tank.

The espresso it makes is delicious, hot, thick and with a beautiful crema, and I love that I can customize the sizes so it’s perfect for me.

If there are any downsizes to this machine, for some it might be that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but for me this was not an issue. For me the biggest downside is the lacklustre milk heating and foaming. If you drink cappuccino you aren’t getting them from this machine – there is really no foam to speak of. You’re really just getting different amounts of warm milk.

If you want a top quality espresso machine, this works, but the high cost of adding the milk system which doesn’t perform means I don’t recommend this machine. Instead I’d choose the Nespresso Pixie or Essenza Mini… (pause) you can see both those reviews here on the channel.

The Breville Nespresso Lattissima One sells for about $449 CAD.

*A note about Affiliate Links: Occasionally I will include affiliate links in my reviews. I do this partly for convenience of the reader (since I’ll almost always include a link to the company website or similar anyway) in case you want to read more or purchase but I also may get a small commission from the click, which helps me keep the blog running. If you choose to use this link I thank you greatly for supporting the blog. There’s no obligation or cost to you for using this link.

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How to adjust drink sizes on Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi Fri, 17 Sep 2021 18:44:55 +0000 Nespresso Vertuo uses barcodes to make your drink just right. But did you know you can change the preset drink sizes? Here's how:

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How to adjust drink sizes on Vertuo

If you’ve got yourself a new Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi you know these special coffee pods have a barcode that your machine reads, and that the drinks are all pre programmed to come out a certain way. But what if that’s not quite working for you? Let’s make this our little secret, but you can actually adjust a drink size or water volume on the spot, and you can even re-program your machine to read those barcodes in the way YOU want it to. Here’s how to adjust drink sizes on Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi.

Nespresso Vertuo Next: how to adjust drink sizes – one time

Let’s say you decide last second to change your drink size, or you didn’t choose a big enough cup and want to stop it.

If you do need to stop the flow of water early, you can press the button again, and it’ll shut down with a bit of delay. Similarly you can top up a coffee by pushing the button after the coffee is made, then pushing it again when you want it to stop.

Nespresso Vertuo Next: How to permanently reset drink sizes?

You can also Permanently change the water volume and save it as a new preset.

The drink size of each pod is specific to each capsule type dictated by that special barcode on the pod; there’s Alto, Mug, Gran Lungo, Double Espresso or Espresso. But you can alter this on your machine if you want and the machine will store it as a new saved preference.

To make a permanent change to a coffee size:

  • Open the machine head; insert the capsule you want to program.
  • Close the head and lock the machine. Wait; Light will blink while the machine is heating up.
  • Push and hold the button until your desired volume is reached.
  • A steady light indicates the machine is ready.
  • Now, once a customer-specific volume is programmed by the user, every time that capsule type is inserted in the machine, the preparation will stop at the user-programmed cup size.

How to factory reset Nespresso Vertuo Next

Need to reset everything back to day 1 or otherwise do a factory reset?

  • Open the machine head and let the used capsule be
  • Close the head. Leave the handle in “UNLOCKED” position.
  • Push the button 5 times within 3 seconds.
  • The button blinks 5 x orange and changes than to steady white

Adjusting drink sizes on Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi

That’s how to get your Nespresso Vertuo Next by De’Longhi working for you. Now you aren’t stuck with the set sizes; you can even reprogram your machine so you always get the drink you want. You can pick one up at Amazon or  Walmart.

Still considering whether a Vertuo Machine is right for you. here are some of the reasons people love these machines.

Nespresso Vertuo espresso machines have garnered attention for several reasons:

  1. Centrifusion Technology: Unlike traditional espresso machines, the VertuoLine uses Centrifusion technology, which spins the capsule at high speed while blending coffee grounds with water. This unique method produces a rich, crema-topped espresso.
  2. Versatile Drink Options: The VertuoLine offers a wide range of drink sizes, from a tiny espresso shot to a large 14 oz coffee, catering to various preferences. It uses different capsule sizes for different brews.
  3. Barcode Recognition: Each Vertuo capsule comes with a barcode. When inserted, the machine reads this barcode and adjusts its settings accordingly, optimizing the brewing process for the specific blend.
  4. Automatic Blend Recognition: These machines are intelligent enough to recognize the inserted capsule automatically. This feature allows the machine to adjust the brewing parameters like temperature, water volume, and brewing time to suit the coffee blend.
  5. One-Touch Operation: Operating the Vertuo is a breeze. With just a touch of a button, you can have your espresso ready in no time, making it convenient for busy mornings or quick coffee breaks.
  6. Variety of Blends: Nespresso offers a wide array of coffee blends and flavors specifically designed for the VertuoLine. From robust espresso to flavored options, there’s something to suit every taste preference.
  7. Energy-Saving Mode: The machine has an energy-saving mode that automatically switches off after a period of inactivity, helping conserve energy.
  8. Sleek Design: Nespresso pays attention to aesthetics, and the VertuoLine machines boast sleek, modern designs that can complement various kitchen styles and decors.
  9. Removable Water Tanks: Many Vertuo models have easily removable water tanks, making refills and cleaning hassle-free.
  10. Milk Frothing Options: Some models come with an Aeroccino milk frother or have an integrated milk frother, allowing you to create a variety of milk-based drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

These machines combine innovation, convenience, and quality to provide a premium coffee experience at home.

*A note about Affiliate Links: Occasionally I will include affiliate links in my reviews. I do this partly for convenience of the reader (since I’ll almost always include a link to the company website or similar anyway) in case you want to read more or purchase but I also may get a small commission from the click, which helps me keep the blog running. If you choose to use this link I thank you greatly for supporting the blog. There’s no obligation or cost to you for using this link.

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Review: Breville Nespresso Pixie Sun, 29 Aug 2021 23:40:34 +0000 Looking for a compact but still hardworking espresso machine for your Nespresso coffee? I put the Breville Pixie to the test.

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Breville Nespresso Pixie reviewI love to start the day with a double espresso. Then there’s often another one mid-morning or a decaf espresso late in the day with a light snack. I’ve recently been experimenting with Nespresso pods and started with a new machine: the DeLonghi Nespresso Essenza Mini. While that’s a great, compact machine, I’ve recently been looking around to see what else is out there. I found the Breville Nespresso Pixie.

I’ll tell you about my experience with it, what it can do, how it works and the pros and cons after having it in my home for a week.

Breville Nespresso Pixie review

Now why get a Nespresso machine? Initially I was not into Nespresso, but a couple things changed my mind: after staying with friends that both have Nespresso machines I found out I like the coffee and it’s a very quick and easy way to get espresso. Then I got to review a manual espresso pump for travel and camping. Nespresso pods are actually great for travel because there’s no grinding, and no mess. Sold on those aspects, I decided to get a Nespresso machine to see if it would fit into my daily coffee routine.

I chose the Breville Nespresso Pixie because it’s small and unobtrusive measuring just 4.5 inches wide by about 12 inches long, and because it offers two sizes of coffee. I don’t add milk to my coffee so all I wanted was something for straight up espressos.

Set up: Breville Nespresso Pixie

The set up of this machine is virtually non-existent; plug it in and power on. It’s ready to go immediately. The kit I bought also included a sample pack of Nespresso capsules, which was a nice way to try some different coffees.

When it comes to the specs, this machine gives you 19 bars of pressure from its high pressure pump and has a 24 ounce water tank. It’s super small and weighs almost nothing (about 5 pounds).

Breville Nespresso Pixie reviewBreville Nespresso Pixie: How to adjust drink sizes

Though I didn’t realize it at the time, and the instructions don’t say so, you can actually program the exact size of drinks you want your Breville Nespresso Pixie to make, for both the small size and the large.

It comes out of the box programmed for a single shot from the small button, and what seems like a small double for the large.

By pushing and holding the button while it;’s making an espresso, then letting go when you’ve got your desired amount, you are creating a new saved setting. Next time you just touch the button your custom drink volume has been saved. I set mine so that the small button pours a single and the large an oversized double.

Nespresso coffee & pods

We could get into a whole thing here about the environmental impact of pods. For the most part neither aluminum Nespresso pods, nor plastic Keurig K-cups are recyclable in a lot of city’s recycling programs; they’re just too small. But I will say this about Nespresso; they encourage you to recycle the aluminium pods by including a pre-paid return bag with your order.

When it comes to the coffees and their taste, there’s lots to enjoy. I find the coffees, packaged in their little cups to be fresh, and with the stunning number of different roasts, tastes, flavours and options, you’re bound to find some you like. I have a list of a few favourites already. Bottom line here, the coffee is good.

Breville Nespresso Pixie reviewNespresso pod cost

Let’s talk about what it costs to brew your morning espresso. Nespresso pods can be had on the Nespresso website for about 70 cents to a dollar per pod. Compared to the cost of a coffee shop espresso, that’s a bargain. Depending on what kind of espresso beans you might be buying now that may or may not be cost effective. I have also, by the way seen reusable Nespresso capsules so you can use your own coffee too. Either way, I’m perfectly happy paying about a buck for my morning espresso.

Coffee brew quality: Breville Nespresso Pixie is FAST

Brewing a coffee is as simple as turning it on and waiting for it to heat up, which takes less than 25 seconds- about 5 seconds faster than my Delonghi. I’m impressed with how fast this is. Then you pop in a capsule, close the lid and choosing your size. My single shot brews in an astonishing 9 seconds while the double takes about 20 seconds.

Breville Nespresso Pixie review

One of the things I like about the Pixie is that the espresso comes out nice and thick, it’s not watery. It ends up with a nice crema on top, and it’s actually really hot, definitely hot enough for me.

Adjustable water temperature?

From what I can tell about this machine and other Nespresso machines, you can;t adjust the brew temperature (it comes from the factory set to about 83-86 degrees, says Nespresso). Nespresso says it’s supposed to be at a hot but drinkable temperature so you can have the espresso right away, and recommends if it’s not hot enough, to pre-heat your cup.

Some folks might not appreciate that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but I was definitely okay with the factory setting.

Breville Nespresso Pixie reviewThe Breville Nespresso Pixie has some handy features; the energy saver feature shuts it off in a few minutes if it’s not used again, the water tank holds more than enough water for 12 doubles before it needs to be refilled (24 oz), you can use the cup riser or remove it to brew a bigger cup, and there’s a small pod bin that holds about a dozen discarded pods (way more than my Essenza mini!). All the pieces are washable.

Breville Nespresso Pixie; not as quiet as other machines

The Delonghi Nespresso machine I currently have is a pretty quiet brewer, but this Breville Nespresso Pixie does make a buzzing noise. It’s not as loud as some other Nespresso brewers I’ve tried but it is noticeable.

Overall review Breville Nespresso Pixie

Overall I’ve been really wowed by how much I love this machine. It’s small but it isn’t the smallest espresso brewer Nespresso makes. Here the bigger footprint allows for additional pods in the disposal bin and a bit more water in the tank.

Breville Nespresso Pixie reviewThis model has an industrial chic look that gives it a little more style than some other Nespresso machines. The coffee it makes is delicious, hot, thick and with a beautiful crema, and I love that I can customize the sizes so it’s perfect for me. The water tank is plenty big enough so that I don’t feel like I’m refilling it constantly. For those who want a bigger water tank, there are larger machines out there with more features.

If there are any downsizes to this machine, for some it might be that you can’t adjust the water temperature, but for me this was not an issue. Others may point to the environmental impact of aluminum pods. I do think this machine is also a bit louder than other Nespressos, my Delonghi Essenza Mini being one of the quieter options.

Overall, I really like this machine. It’s been an awesome addition to my coffee routine and I can definitely recommend it for you. The Breville Nespresso Pixie sells for about $199 CAD though I have seen it on Amazon for about $149 CAD, or about $139USD.

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