How to care for your iRobot Roomba: easy maintenance tips


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Erin Lawrence

Erin Lawrence

irobot, roomba, maintenence, care, review, how to, vacuumHave you just spent your hard earned dough on a Roomba? These gadgets are expensive so you want to make sure they last. For longevity, you should do a bit of regular but simple maintenance on them. Here’s how to care for iRobot Roomba vacuums.

How to care for your iRobot Roomba: easy maintenance tips

While each vacuum or Braava jet mop will have its own specific requirements, generally speaking there are some things you can do to keep them in good running order.

How to care for iRobot Roomba: Wipe down the shell & clean sensors

Your robot vacuum or mop navigates using special sensors. They look like little tinted windows.

Wipe them with a damp cloth to remove any dust that might impede them seeing their way around.

irobot, roomba, maintenence, care, review, how to, vacuumSimilarly, underneath there’s cliff sensors that prevent your robot from falling off ledges. Make sure these are clean too.

Need help locating your sensors? The locations can be found here.

Want to check out more about these robots before you buy? read my reviews of the iRobot Roomba i7+ with Clean Base, the Roomba s9+ with Clean Base, or the Braava Jet m6 mop.

irobot, roomba, maintenence, care, review, how to, vacuum

How to care for iRobot Roomba: Clean brushes and rollers

Even if they’re still spinning and the vacuum is still running, fibres, string, threads and hair can get tangled up in the brushes, and these will also hide in the locking mechanisms that hold the rollers in place.

Keeping the rollers clear is important because tough fibres can actually get pulled tight and cut through the rubber if you leave them in place for too long… a fact I found out when I went to shoot this video. Time for a new roller!

Remove the rollers by popping them out; the frame around the rollers opens with the pinch of a level, and each roller is clearly marked with a shape so you put it back correctly. Pull them out, untangle or cut anything obstructing them, and remove any tangles from the ends.

You can and should also remove the front caster wheel and the corner or edge brushes to pull out tightly wound or hidden tangles too. (In some cases you might need a screwdriver.) Either way, it’s pretty easy. Awkward as it is to grasp, pull on the caster wheel and it will pop out.

How to care for iRobot Roomba: Clean the dustbin and bin well

Dust accumulates, not surprisingly in the dust bin and the bin well where it sits. Empty the bin first naturally, then remove the filter. The filter by the way is not washable so if it’s really dirty it might be time to order a replacement.

irobot, roomba, maintenence, care, review, how to, vacuum

How to clean iRobot Roomba filter

You can tap the filter to clear dust or use a brush.

Rinse the bin with warm water, and make sure you get all the corners and crevices. Then let it air dry completely before replacing it.

Wipe out the bin well with a damp cloth and remove any debris that’s lingered.

How to care for iRobot Roomba: Keep charging contacts and base station clean

One last cleanup…  you’ll want to wipe the charging contacts on the robot and base station, and wipe any dust or debris from around the base station and vacuum intakes and suction ports.

Now’s also a good time to empty your dust bag if it’s full.

Those are the key tips for you to keep your new Roomba running smoothly.

Shop iRobot Roomba, replacement parts, and vacuum bags on Amazon.


Top tips to help your Roomba have a long life

If you need some quick tips on the best way to keep your Roomba running smoothly, these are some of the best quick fixes out there.

Regular Cleaning:

  1. Empty the Dustbin: After every cleaning session, empty the dustbin to prevent it from getting too full, which can affect the vacuum’s performance.
  2. Clean Brushes and Rollers: Remove hair, debris, and tangled threads from the brushes and rollers. Regularly check and clean these parts to prevent clogs and maintain suction.

Routine Maintenance:

  1. Check Filters: Clean or replace the filters regularly (depending on the model). Clean filters ensure optimal airflow and suction.
  2. Inspect Wheels and Sensors: Periodically check the wheels for debris or tangled hair. Clean sensors to ensure they function correctly.

Preparing the Environment:

  1. Remove Obstacles: Clear the area of any cords, loose items, or small objects that could obstruct the Roomba’s path.
  2. Use Virtual Walls or Barriers: If needed, use virtual walls or barriers provided with some models to limit the vacuum’s access to certain areas.

Charging and Storage:

  1. Charge Properly: Ensure the Roomba is placed on its charging dock after use. Keeping it charged maintains battery health.
  2. Storage: Store the Roomba and its charging dock in a dry, cool place when not in use.

General Tips:

  1. Software Updates: Keep the Roomba’s software updated to access the latest features and improvements.
  2. Schedule Regular Cleanings: Depending on your usage and needs, set regular cleaning schedules to keep your space consistently clean.

Deep Cleaning:

  1. Periodic Maintenance: Consider deep-cleaning the Roomba itself. Follow manufacturer instructions to disassemble parts for a thorough cleaning.
  2. Servicing: If the Roomba experiences issues beyond basic troubleshooting, consider contacting customer support or professional servicing.

Usage Guidelines:

  1. Use on Compatible Surfaces: Roombas work well on a variety of surfaces but ensure they are compatible with the specific model you own.
  2. Supervision: Especially in new environments, supervise the Roomba initially to ensure it navigates properly and doesn’t get stuck.

By following these guidelines, you’ll help maintain your Roomba’s performance and ensure it operates smoothly for a long time.


*A note about Affiliate Links: Occasionally I will include affiliate links in my reviews. I do this partly for convenience of the reader (since I’ll almost always include a link to the company website or similar anyway) in case you want to read more or purchase but I also may get a small commission from the click, which helps me keep the blog running. If you chose to use this link I thank you greatly for supporting the blog. There’s no obligation or cost to you for using this link.

Erin Lawrence

Erin Lawrence

I'm a journalist, tech blogger, writer, TV producer, silversmith& jewelry designer, foodie and world traveler. I blog, write for publications, and supply freelance writing services to Calgary, and the world.

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