What is Spond for groups and teams and what can it do?


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Erin Lawrence

Erin Lawrence

spond group organization, how when, cost

Anyone who’s ever organized a kids sports team or a large multi-layered group event knows it can be a challenge to keep everyone on the same page. A new app for Android and iOS aims to streamline this communication so there’s less time organizing and more time enjoying.

This is Spond…

What is Spond?

Spond is an app that helps you organize large events, groups or teams. A website version of the app is also available. I’d like to thank Spond for sponsoring this post, as it helps me keep the wheels turning here on TGC.spond group organization, how when, cost

You can manage a soccer club, music group or band, scout troupe, or even your book club.

What can Spond do?

Spond can allow you to invite people to games, practices, or other team or group events. The app, while handy, isn’t required for any group members. Members’ alerts can come in via text, email or as a push notification from the app.

Who is Spond for?

Spond is a genius organization and productivity app for groups. From a small group of friends who are trying to plan an outing, to large sports leagues, everyone can stay on the right page by using Spond to communicate.

How does Spond work?

The first thing you’ll need to do is set up an account. You can opt not to use your phone number for verification and communication if you wish; just click the opt out button near the bottom.

You’ll get a code via email to verify your address, then you should be ready to go.

You’ll create a profile, and you can link it to your Facebook profile if you wish. Make sure you turn notifications on when prompted so you’ll be kept up to date if events or things in your group change.

You’ll choose whether you’re an administrator or a parent, and you can have multiple admins, if that’s what you need. You can even designate coaches, for example, to have some communication responsibility within the team structure; the batting coach can communicate with the hitters for a special practise, while the pitching coach can set up exercises with the hurlers, for example. This saves time because parents and team members aren’t wading through endless messages, trying to find the ones that are relevant to them.

If you have a contact list or spreadsheet with everyone’s contact info, you can import it into the website to save tones of time.

Choose the group values and needs for your organization

Choose  whether you’re scheduling activities for kids or adults, then you can name your group and create subgroups. An example of this would be to create one large group for your kid’s baseball team, then a subgroup for the coaches, a subgroup for the parents and another for whose turn it is to bring the snacks or the orangeade.

Once the admin has created the group, you can begin inviting members.

Privacy is built in to Spond

Groups on Spond aren’t searchable; you’ll need to be an invited guest to join in. That’s both a safety and a privacy feature, which is particularly great for children’s groups.

With all your members in the loop, you can create events, post messages, photos or files, do polls or even collect fees. If you want to; You can even decide that those who have not paid may not see the event you have set up. So smart!?

The app interface is simple and easy.

With events, you can make them one time or recurring. Spond has thought of all the possibilities.

If you have the app, you can have Spond add the events to your calendar automatically!  It couldn’t be simpler.

Keep communication organized

There’s instant messaging built into the Spond app, so all your group and team communications are easily findable; no more hunting through emails, text and voicemails to double check that game start time, when you can’t remember how you got that message.

You can also see who’s responding to posts within your family; The child and all guardians that are connected with that child will receive a push notification alerting them that they have replied to an event. Very smart feature if, for example, a child has divorced parents.

Another handy feature? You can see who’s read posts, so you know who’s in the loop and who may need a nudge. You can send private messages, or broadcast alerts to the crowd.

When it comes to how to communicate among large groups, and even multilayered groups, Spond has thought of everything you need to communicate.

How much does Spond cost?

Spond is absolutely free to use, and there’s really no limits on it, but for a 500 member cap. But even that should be more than enough to manage most groups, leagues, clubs and teams. If you use it to collect fees, there is a small transaction charge.

So stop using services like WhatsApp, Email, TeamSnap, SMS, Facebook, etc. and start using a service built just for this. I promise that your life as a coach, coach or parent will be a lot easier!

To learn more about Spond, check out spond.com, or watch the YouTube Video.


Erin Lawrence

Erin Lawrence

I'm a journalist, tech blogger, writer, TV producer, silversmith& jewelry designer, foodie and world traveler. I blog, write for publications, and supply freelance writing services to Calgary, and the world.

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